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Are your child’s teeth misaligned?

Braces are a common solution for children who need orthodontic treatment. They can help straighten teeth and improve the alignment of the jaw, which is important for chewing and speaking. For some kids, braces may be their only option to get an attractive smile that they can feel good about.

We know it’s not always easy to tell if your child needs braces or not, but there are signs that you should look out for. If you see any of these 7 signs in your child’s mouth, then it might be time to visit Brushin’ on Belmont, an outstanding Chicago kids dentist!

Keep reading to learn more.

Sign 1: Spacing Between Their Teeth

If there are large spaces in your child’s teeth, there may be some room for improvement. Many children will have more space between their baby teeth than their adult teeth, but it should even out eventually. If you find that the spaces remain, however, it might be a sign that your child needs braces.

For example, if your child has gaps between their teeth and it’s affecting their ability to chew or speak, braces can help improve function in the mouth. This will help their teeth grow in better alignment for future treatment with the top dentist in Chicago.

Sign 2: Uneven Bitewings

Bitewings are x-rays of the upper and lower arches of teeth. Dentists use them to see how well your child’s teeth fit together when they bite together. If you notice that their bitewings show unevenness, this might be a sign that your child needs braces.

For example, if your child is experiencing pain when they chew or has difficulty biting together because their teeth don’t meet, braces can help improve function and allow them to eat comfortably.

Even if your child may not seem to be experiencing any pain, uneven bitewings are a sign that their teeth may not align properly. If this is the case, Dr. Bob and Dr. Monika can help!

Sign 3: Loose Teeth

Some baby teeth can loosen and even fall out without orthodontic treatment. However, if the loose tooth has wiggly adult teeth surrounding it, there may be room for improvement with some orthodontic work.

This means that when your child’s adult teeth are ready to come in, they may not fit properly with the tooth that has fallen out of alignment. With braces, we can correct this problem and prevent other teeth from becoming loose too.

It’s a common misconception that braces are only for older children, but it’s never too early to get your child started with orthodontic care!

Sign 4: Crooked Teeth

Like the other signs on this list, crooked teeth are often obvious even before your child’s adult ones come in.

This can be more complicated than some of the other signs because tooth decay or injury can come from crookedness that happened after teeth had already grown in. However, if your child’s adult teeth are already crooked throughout the mouth, it might be worth looking into orthodontic treatment.

For example, if your child has crooked teeth, there’s a chance that the child’s jaw is also misaligned, there might be room for improvement with braces.

Sign 5: Misalignment of the Upper and Lower Arch of Teeth

Upper and lower jaws should align so that your child can chew food properly.

If one of these arches is out of alignment, your child might struggle with chewing. It could also be difficult for them to speak clearly, especially if their lower jaw has shifted out of place.

This is especially true if the misalignment is affecting your child’s ability to close their mouth. For example, if their top and bottom teeth don’t meet or they tend to leave gaps when they talk, there might be room for improvement with braces for kids.

Sign 6: Existing Braces Get Damaged

One sign that your child might need new braces is when their current ones get damaged.

If the brackets break or the wires bend, your family dentist may be able to fix them. Otherwise, it might be time to consider orthodontic treatment for your child as well.

For example, if your child’s braces are very loose or bent after some wear and tear, replacing them might be the best option, instead of fixing them. If you’re noticing any other signs on this list at the same time, then orthodontic treatment might be necessary too.

Sign 7: Crowded Teeth Are Damaging Their Gums

If there’s not enough room in your child’s mouth for their teeth to fit comfortably, it might be a sign that they need braces.

Over time, crowded teeth can cause damage to your child’s gums and bite, which is why it’s vital to take them in for an exam. This is because they might need braces to prevent tooth loss and gum disease.

For example, if your child’s teeth rub together and they’re prone to cavities, it might be a sign that their mouth isn’t properly aligned. Orthodontic treatment can help open up the crowded area of their mouth so that food can pass through easily.

My Child is Nervous About Braces — What Should I Say?

Before you book an appointment, prepare your child for their first visit to the orthodontist.

If your child is nervous about braces, try to get them excited about the process or ease their fears by telling them that it won’t hurt. You can even bring up some success stories of other children who had similar fears but were happy with the results.

You can also prepare them for some of their appointments by telling them what to expect. For example, you can tell them that their first appointment will include a consultation and X-rays. Then, they’ll know what to expect at their next visit.

Last but not least, make sure your child knows why braces are important! If there’s room for alignment improvement, then braces may be able to help.

It might also deter them from picking at their teeth, which will help prevent cavities.

Finding the Best Chicago Kids Dentist

Taking action as soon as you notice any of these signs could mean the difference between simple orthodontic treatment and more complicated procedures that might involve surgery.

If you notice any of these signs in your child’s mouth, contact Brushin’ on Belmont to schedule an appointment with our Chicago kids dentist!